Occupational risk prevention

T&M has a preventive culture through planning, supervision, control and promotion of safety and occupational health actions. For this, it has an Occupational Risks Prevention Management System and specialized engineers to meet client requirements, assure regulatory compliance, and above all minimize accidents, assuring occupational risks prevention.
Among other advantages there is the possibility of assisting clients which have been growingly requiring certified providers, assuring the applicable legislation compliance, reducing the number of occupational incidents, reducing illness and accident leaves, maximizing human resources management, generating a productivity increase, improving relations with public administrations and with the company.

T&M's personnel specialized in Safety and Risks Prevention display the necessary competences to direct, enforce, provide, manage, administrate, identify dangers, and evaluate risks. Solid knowledge and skills add value to the company, causing significant changes and positively impacting surrounding organization.
T&M has a certified Occupational Risks Prevention Management System according to the OHSAS 18001 standard within its Integrated Management System, documented and integrated into the technical and management procedures, to guide the company’s actions and minimizes risks and accidents.

  • Sed fringilla mauris
    Wind Farm
    Los Cucuros
    57 wind turbine, 102,6 MW
  • Solar farm
    150 MW
  • Sed fringilla mauris
    Wind farm
    39 wind turbine, 89 MW
  • Wind Complex
    Alto Sertão II
    230 wind turbine, 384 MW
  • Wind farm
    Cerro Negro
    8 wind turbine, 16 MW